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Showing posts from April, 2022

Curse of the Kitsune by Devon Jaxon

($2.99 or Kindle Unlimited) Woman of undisclosed age is a furry who has sex with one of her subordinates. [US Purchase Link] Tagged as dubcon. Everyone's happy with the situation, but everything everyone does would not fly with pretty much any other duo. Transformation is in the title, but it doesn't happen to the MC and isn't really played with that much, so I haven't tagged it as such.

Group Sex With Werewolves by Salazar Zed

($2.99 or Kindle Unlimited) What it says on the tin. [Universal Purchase Link] Raspy goes to a secluded graveyard to steal a plant there when she runs into the owner. Riled by the full moon, he prepositions her right then and there to have sex with him and his husband, and after that, Raspy is determined to breed with the entire pack to birth their next alpha. Salazar Zed is the one that runs this blog.

Ganged by the Mothman by Sibley Stamps

($2.99) Lady tries to film a mothman and gets more than she bargained for when seven show up all ready to lay some eggs. [US Purchase Link] Definitely on the softer side of dubcon as the character is super duper into it, but it is a little violent in the way it's written. While normally I get upset at short works being priced this high, Sibley Stamps is really amazing at her craft. Even though she almost exclusively writes kinks I'm not into (dubcon and pain), she can still get the ol engine started.