($2.99 or Kindle Unlimited) When Gemma is cursed by an angry student, she begins a transformation into a Wendigo. As she transforms, she also transforms mentally and sexually. [Purchase Link] As a heads up, if you got excited about wendigos, you might want to sit back down. This is more or less a were-animal story, not a story about a haunting spirit born from evil to seek evil, losing its humanity and grip on society. The main character gets turned in a very werewolf fashion, and maintains her humanity (though she gets anger issues) post-transformation. Why it's tagged as were-other instead of wendigo. I've rewritten this review multiple times because I didn't dislike this book, but it's hard to write about without it sounding that way. There's a really great story that I'd love to read here, and I can see that the author has a lot of technical talent in scene building, but the structure is a sort of fatal flaw, and I can't talk about any part of this sto...
A blog and index showcasing paid erotic literature of the teratophiliac variety.